
Mission Statement

A Safe Knight Inc. is A Critical Incident Response Training in Vocational Educational Spiritual setting, we are an active shooter training and prevention company committed to providing superior consulting and training to corporations, private businesses, schools, organizations, and religious groups who want to learn how to prepare a successful risk management strategy for any critical incident that poses an imminent threat of loss injury or death

Our history

A SAFE KNIGHT, Inc. was started in October 2012 after numerous active shooter incidents at schools, retail locations, and critical incidents that have occurred over the past couple of years. A Safe Knight, Inc, saw a need to provide schools, teachers and students with options to increase their survivability in an Active Shooter/Critical Incident event. They began researching the field, attending training and conducting after action reviews to develop a program that can enhance the current lock down procedure and incorporate the failed lock down steps. The focus was to give faculty, staff and students the options to survive and the power to choose their course of action. Since 2012 we have worked with private and public schools, Colleges, Universities, churches, various businesses, local, state and federal first responders. We have provided physical security assessments, trained staff, reviewed/updated Emergency Action Plans, conducted table top excercises and full scale drills for our clients.

Our Clients

At A Safe Knight Inc., we offer effective training programs for law enforcement and EMS personnel to quickly learn how to handle an active shooter situation on school campuses. However, in 2012, we realized that we were not adequately addressing the needs of schools. We weren't providing training for teachers, staff, and even students on how to prepare, respond, and recover from an active shooter incident.

To improve our approach, we studied best practices from previous national and international attacks. We then developed our consulting services and training programs based on these lessons. We continuously review recent attacks to ensure that our training remains up-to-date and effective.

Our training for school personnel mainly focuses on two key aspects: preventing incidents and responding to them. We base this on Presidential Policy Directive 8. Our services cover active shooter response, bus driver threat response, medical care during crises, recognizing and reporting threats, updating emergency action plans, assessing facility security, conducting tabletop exercises with administrators and emergency response partners, and running scenario drills.

It's crucial to remember that when training school staff to handle both natural and manmade disasters, they need principles and strategies that can be easily and effectively applied in high-stress situations. Fine motor skills tend to deteriorate during crises, so we emphasize teaching gross motor skill principles and strategies. We allow them to practice and apply what they've learned through realistic simulations, such as scenarios and drills, to prepare them for active shooters and violent intruders.

A Safe Knight Inc. is a trusted provider of security and consulting services for churches. We have trained individual churches, presented at church conferences, and conducted seminars in partnership with local police departments following the Charleston attack. Our goal is to help churches protect their congregations while maintaining a welcoming and caring environment for everyone who comes to hear God's word. Our team brings extensive experience in law enforcement, church security, and emergency operations.

Our Church Security Training and Consulting primarily focus on preparing for and responding to security threats, following guidelines from Presidential Policy Directive 8. Our services cover various aspects, including Church Security Ministry Training, addressing transportation ministry threats, providing medical care during crises, recognizing and reporting threats and suspicious activities, updating emergency action plans, training security ministry teams, assessing facility security, conducting tabletop exercises with administrators and emergency response partners, and running scenario drills.

When training your church staff and congregation to respond to both natural and man-made hazards, it's important to provide them with principles and strategies that can be quickly and effectively applied, using gross motor skills. Fine motor skills may not work well during a crisis, so we emphasize teaching gross motor skill principles and strategies. Allowing them to practice what they've learned through realistic simulations, like scenarios and drills, is crucial in preparing for active shooters and violent intruders.

Hospital staff, healthcare providers, clinic workers, and office employees frequently encounter challenging situations involving individuals with psychological disorders, distressed family members, or those influenced by drugs or alcohol. These situations can sometimes escalate into violence, including shootings. Recent research has shown that shootings occur in all types and sizes of hospitals, both in urban and rural areas. Hospital administrators are actively seeking solutions to protect their staff and patients in this potentially volatile environment. You can learn from healthcare security experts about how to prepare your staff and safeguard your patients.

We focus our training on Hospitals, clinics, Urgent Care, and their employees. Our training primarily covers the prevention and response phases, drawing from the best practices identified through numerous after-action reviews, which we continually update. Our training and consulting services address various aspects, including responding to active shooter incidents and critical events in healthcare settings, recognizing and reporting potential threats for healthcare providers and patients, developing and updating emergency action plans, evaluating the physical security of facilities, conducting tabletop exercises with administrators and emergency response partners, and running scenario drills.

When training your staff to respond to natural and man-made hazards, it's crucial to provide them with principles and strategies that can be quickly and effectively deployed, utilizing gross motor skills. Fine motor skills may not be reliable in a crisis, so we emphasize teaching gross motor skill principles and strategies. Allowing your staff to apply what they've learned in realistic simulations, such as scenarios and drills, is essential for preparing for active shooters and violent intruders.

A Safe Knight Inc. realized early on that workplace violence was a more common issue than active shooters on school campuses worldwide. Workplace violence includes physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or disruptive behavior at work, affecting employees, clients, customers, and visitors. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. In the United States, homicide ranks as the fourth-leading cause of fatal workplace injuries. Workplace violence is a growing concern for employers and employees, with around 2 million American workers becoming victims of it annually. Workplace violence can happen anywhere, and no one is exempt. In 2010, one out of every nine workplace fatalities was a homicide, making it the most common cause of workplace deaths among women. It's a significant occupational hazard.

Our training for businesses, corporations, retail locations, and their employees primarily focuses on preventing and responding to workplace violence incidents. We base our training on best practices gathered from numerous after-action reviews, constantly updating our methods. Our training and consulting services cover responding to workplace violence, providing medical care during crises, recognizing and reporting incidents for employees and customers, developing and updating emergency action plans, evaluating facility security, conducting tabletop exercises with administrators and emergency response partners, and running scenario drills.

When training your staff to handle natural and man-made hazards, it's crucial to provide them with principle-based training and strategies that can be quickly and effectively used with gross motor skills. Fine motor skills can deteriorate in a crisis, so we emphasize teaching gross motor skill principles and strategies. Allowing your staff to practice what they've learned in realistic simulations like scenarios and drills is essential for preparing them for active shooters and violent intruders.